43. Principles for the measurement of assets and liabilities and the determination of the result

The Company financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Title 9, Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code. For setting the principles for the recognition and measurement of assets and liabilities and determination of the result for its company financial statements, the Company makes use of the option provided in section 2:362(8) of the Netherlands Civil Code. This means that the principles for the recognition and measurement of assets and liabilities and determination of the result (hereinafter referred to as principles for recognition and measurement) of the company financial statements of the Company are the same as those applied for the consolidated EU-IFRS financial statements. Refer to Note 39 and 40 of the consolidated financial statements for a description of these principles.

Participating interests in group companies

Participating interests in group companies are accounted for in the company financial statements according to the equity method. Refer to the basis of consolidation accounting policy in the consolidated financial statements.

Result of participating interests

The share in the result of participating interests consists of the share of the Company in the result of these participating interests. In so far as gains or losses on transactions involving the transfer of assets and liabilities between the Company and its participating interests or between participating interests themselves can be considered unrealised, they have not been recognised.